All these years I have seen you
Fight with your phantoms.
Where did they come from,
What would they say to you ?
What would they whisper
To take you away in a far away land,
Unattainable you were.
One step forward, two steps backward,
You had the strength to continue living,
Despite the odds, despite the darkness
That would invade you and death
Would come haunting you.
Desperate, you turned to God,
To find a liberating way, a salutary ear
That could hear you, welcome you,
Bless you in your beauty you could not see,
To find you at last.
All these years, I have not understood
That life could be such for you, believing
That down your road, you will find
A mirror that will show you,
Who you really are.
That down your road,
Hope and joy will find you.
That down the road,
Love you will grasp.
But life was such for you
All I had to do was to welcome you,
Accept the mystery in you.
Those portraits to tell you
How rich and beautiful your are
That behind that surface,
There is a world to explore.